Reliability starts with a properly designed trace heating system. Our highly trained team can respond to your most demanding product application concerns. Have your design, application and installation questions answered quickly and efficiently using the Drexan TechLine which is accessible from anywhere in North America.
The cost of a trace heating system involves two key factors:
A properly designed trace heating system minimizes the costs in both areas while being backed by the industry's best warranty,
An improperly designed trace heating system can result in higher than necessary wattages and a higher number of circuits being specified which translates into higher installed costs and energy consumption.
You can be assured that Drexan offers you more than just heating cables – you have access to a skilled team of trace heating experts along with Drexan Designer+ software capable of designing single EHT Circuits for an entire Refinery.
At your request, we provide you with “portable” information including complete or partial Catalog Information, Installation Videos, Installation Photos, Drexan Designer+ Software, Installation Detail Drawings, and Competitive Cable Crossover Reference Information all on a USB.