Process Temperature Maintenance

Drexan Energy Systems offers trace heating systems for applications involving temperatures higher than the freezing point of water.

Backed by the industry’s best warranty!

Process temperature maintenance applications are defined as applications other than freeze protection and involve temperatures higher than the freezing point of water. Viscosity control, phase change management and temperature-sensitive fluids require special attention in heat loss calculations, and monitoring and control schemes. Some examples are liquid sulphur, monomers, polymers, oils, waxes, food products, and steam-tracing condensates.

Download our Industrial sell sheet. 

Download Hazardous Gases & Vapours for a complete list.

Hazardous locations are defined by the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) section 18 and the National Electrical Code (NEC) as; those areas in which the potential for fire or explosion exists due to the presence of flammable gases or vapors and combustible dusts.

For the most current information and complete details pertaining to hazardous locations refer to the Canadian and National Electrical Codes.Download NEMA ratings for a complete list of enclosure types.

Download Zone Information Guide for a complete list of hazardous locations.

Drexan HeatTracer products 

  • Serve the most demanding environments including hazardous and non-hazardous areas, as well as areas where corrosive exposure may be of concern.
  • Are certified to; CSA (CUS) standards for use throughout North America, ATEX for Europe, and are suitable for both metal and non-metal pipes, tanks and vessels.

The integrity of a trace heating system depends upon on how accurately the cable is selected and how well it is installed. An improperly designed and installed trace heating system could result in cable failure and possible physical injury.

Read the article, Making it Easier to Source and Buy the Most Innovative Heat Tracing Cables and learn more about Edmonton-based EWEL and its search for a heat tracing partner back in 2018 that was both customer-focused and provided the most innovative and reliable tracing heating cable solutions in the business. 

Download our Design Worksheet to determine which heating system will work best for process temperature maintenance.

Drexan — Trace Heating Redefined